Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Times past and looking ahead....whew!

So much has happened in the past few months that I could barely keep up with it all.
I will try to recap just so I can catch all of you up on life in the big house.

At the end of July we made it through the wedding of second daughter Courtney, exhausted but elated. It was a beautiful ceremony and we are so happy for them both.

August was the start of another homeschool year. Hannah is in 8th, Noah is in 7th, Destini is in 6th, Miriam is in 5th, Jose is in 4th, and Mirranda and Lydia are in
2nd. The challanges of teaching special needs children can be overwhelming some days but everyone is fluently reading, (some said it could not be done) and all but 2 are in grade level studies (another can't be done comment inserted here). It proves to me once again that God and some good ole fashioned work go a long way in education. I only took three classes this semester and enjoyed the lighter load. The most fun day we enjoyed this month was playing in the rain. Sometimes you just need to feel the rain pound down on a hot summer day and just run around in it and get your clothes soaking wet!

September we hit Six Flags with all the children plus a borrowed one. We had a blast and closed the park down. Several small outings were had as well like going to the park, playing in the river and enjoying nature studies as they gave opportunity. I had the great priviledge of customizing my Harley with a little help from Tom. I learned alot, worked alot and busted my knuckles a little but the after effect was well worth it. New Z drag bars, lowered 2 inches, new vance & hines pipes, relocate the speedometer and add a fuel pack. Still need to change the mirrors and levers but that will wait till next year. Now, if I can just keep Tom off of it and make him ride his own... This month also offered learning opportunities with my new position on the state board for Susan G. Komen. I went to a 3 day training and am much more comfortable with my positional responsibilities from it. For fun this month I helped put up the sign at the local fire department and take down the shutters, repaint them and reinstall them. Just love going up that ladder!

October was just a mixture of violin/piano lessons, school, fire calls, college work and house duties. I took on a large custom drapery job for a local retreat center and have 12 windows to complete with pinch pleat draperies and cornices. The house is green with fabric but it proves to be a good challange. The children are all coming along nicely with school and music lessons. I love to hear them play but my favorite part is watching them help the younger ones learn a song. Seeing them bond in a different way always makes me smile. And, it makes up for all the other times that they are picking on each other :) October was fire saftey month and I really enjoyed giving presentations to several groups of little children through out the county. The highlight for this month was Tom and I sneaking in a little overnight at the George Washington Hotel. He surprised me with an evening of dinner and a suite at the hotel. The children like to party while we are gone. The cupboards are bare when we return and the house is crazy messy but it is all worth it in the end. The month ended with a nice visit from oldest daughter Ashley, her hubby and grandson Markus. Oh how I love being a grammy and watching my grandson grow, discover and...get into EVERYTHING!

November is the month of thanks and to be honest I am just thankful this year is almost over. It has been an extremely challanging year for me physically, mentally and spiritually. Somehow the thought of a new year just gives me the push I need to start with a fresh piece of paper and plug on. I did not get the opportunity to go hunting but maybe next year will be my year for that. Thanksgiving was laid back and pleasant but the food was consumed at a rapid pace. That particular meal has to be my all time favortie one to fix. I enjoy every part of it from the turkey to the pies it is all just comforting to me. The highlight of the month was making carmel apples with the children, plus some nieghborhood ones included!

December finally came to close out the year. The custom drapery job was finished early in the month and came out even more beautiful than I imagined. Christmas was ok. The highlight was a much needed visit from my dear friend Jackie and her daughter Izabelle. But to be honest, to finally see the close of this year was refreshing. I can only hope this next year is better and I hold hope in that. I rang in the new year alone but not really since God is always there with me! A new season is upon me and I look forward to what lies ahead...I think ;)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where have I been!

I am aghast at the fact that it is the middle of July and my last post was in March. Life these past few months have taken quiet a crazy turn and I have learned many lessons from all of the downs and few ups thrown my way.
In April Tom and I traveled to Georgia to visit Garrett on family day at Ft. Benning. To say the least it was a tear filled reunion (picture shown with his dad)and we had much to talk about in just a few short days. We had to leave earlier than we wanted to but I had to drive to Charleston as soon as I got home. I no sooner arrived home when the clothes came out of the car and new clothes went in. I was receiving recognition for being chosen as a representative from my college for my academic achievements. The West Virginia state governor presented the awards and I enjoyed a nice luncheon in the rotunda. (picture included).
After all that traveling I needed some grounding so I painted the little girls room. I have been wanting to do this for 2 years now and I was SO happy to have it done. Of course they all took a turn helping (as the photo shows) and the outcome was fabulous.
May too was a busy month with finishing out my college semester and finishing the homeschool year with the children. All the children did fabulous in their prospective grades and I managed to make the Deans list.
Right after our school wrap up we traveled once again to Georgia only this time it was for Garrett's graduation from basic. The two older children were able to go too along with husbands, a finance' and the grandson. We had a great time being with just our three older children telling stories, laughing and just enjoying each other. The graduation ceremony was breathtaking and I was filled with joy to see my son be a part of it. After coming home Ashley, Joe and baby Markus stayed for a few days and our house was a bustle of comings and goings of children. We did manage to collect them all together for a dinner out (courtesy of mom and dad) at our favorite place, Wyld Thyme. A new family picture was added as well and that was a treat to Tom and I.
June included a weekend getaway for Tom and I on the bikes. We did rough camping with a change of clothes, a garden hose shower, a two man tent and lots of laughs, good times and new friends made. I took on the job of doing some modifications to my bike and Tom had to supervise, which was hard for him:) We started this month to do an activity a week for the children and so far we have hit the Drive Ins twice, camping once and a picnic in the park and swimming.
Our activity time with the children continued into July and another park trip and VBS have been the highlights. Not sure if we will make goal this month as we have the wedding of second daughter Courtney at the forefront. She has been a great planner and has had everything just fall into place. I finished the customization to her gown on Sunday and now to finish the few alterations for her flower girls dresses.
The only other exciting thing to add for this month is that I went to active firefighter status this week. Already took my first call on an accident and broke in my gear. Tom is just shaking his head and smiling. Life is too short so you should try to fit in those things that bring you peace, joy and a little adrenaline rush!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Accepting change...and embracing it!

Well,I am into March full swing, spring cleaning is underway and the first bike ride of the season has been taken. Spring always brings changes and not just to the season but often to life. Grandson Markus sprouted his first tooth and found his tongue (oh how great it is to be a grammy), Garrett is well over halfway through basic training and Courtney is engaged to be married in the summer and I am half way through this semester in college and in homeschool.

As I sit here sipping some tea (yes, I am actually enjoying some down time as a dear friend told me I needed to take some time for myself) I am reflecting on the past few weeks with much to think about. After seeing the devastation in Japan I am once again reminded that life is short and we really should make the most of it. Disagreements and hurts seem so unimportant and living in the present means so much more. I want to try harder to make the most of everyday and to always find something to be thankful about even when it seems impossible. God gives me 24 hours in a day surely I can find a portion of that day to love, smile and be thankful!

History is the focus for the homeschool days and I am determined to get my timeline started this week since we are on a spring break. There is a list posted on my white board of goals to meet for the week while on break. Most of it is painting but I did completely rearrange the school book area and have posted pictures to show the before and after results. Organizing for a big family is a must and the children are better able to put their items away when there is a nice place to put them!

Hannah had a piano recital yesterday and she nailed it. I was overjoyed for her and am posting the video next time to share. I think there is a violin recital next month for the youngest seven and that is always a pleasant afternoon as it is usually held at a local nursing home. The residents always enjoy seeing the children play and it is so good for the children to interact with the residents too.

I am greatly looking forward to riding season. When I am riding I have time all to myself to reflect, pray, see the world in such a different way and just sense everything with renewed senses. It is probably one of my favorite ways to relax. Last year we were able to take in a few local bike events that we have had some fun at. The picture of me with the cigar is at Johnstown. The ride was beautiful, the sun was perfect and the cigar was NOT mine but I could not resist such a crazy photo op.

I am really looking forward to doing some baking and trying new recipes this week. Last week was comfort food (biscuit picture included)and now that the weather is looking nicer it is time to break into new foods. I find cooking relaxing but baking is my favorite.

Now this post is getting way too long so I shall close it with one of my favorite quotes "Lord God...quiet me if I am not calm, that my soul may be able to contemplate and have an opportunity to grow. Help me that I may be able, even in discouragements to have the true preception of life.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where oh where is my spring?

Can you say blahhhh? This is the time of year when nothing is much fun. Most people are sick of the weather, sick of being cold and sick of each other.

I for one would love to have some 70 degree days, wind blowing in my hair, playing outside with the children, gardening or riding on my new bike. Yes, to confirm all rumors my dear hubbster bought me my own motorcycle. A picture will be included :) This is a love hate purchase. I will LOVE having my own ride and that independence and sheer bliss of riding is almost unmatchable. But, I love riding behind my hubby, feeling him pat my leg as we ride taking in all the sights together. He bought me the bike back in January but it is still at the shop waiting to be picked up, better weather, need to lower it some. So patience I must have.

Spring break is almost here and I can honestly say I am really ready for it. I welcome the break from college work and home schooling as I have several projects to work on that can only be accomplished with a week off. Hannah is moving into a new room and it needs to be finished painting. Her old room needs a fresh coat of paint and the hallway desperately needs some painting so I will spend the week painting, painting and then for something new and refreshing....PAINTING!

I have been able to talk to Garrett about 3 times now. I miss him loads but I know he is quickly becoming a man. He even sounds different. I am taking some time later today to write him another letter. The weather is nasty outside with a little snow and lots of packed ice underneath.

Violin and piano lessons were cancelled today so we did a more full day of school and I have had time to tackle the laundry and even fit in some ironing. Why oh why do I like cotton clothes so much? I mean seriously now who in their right mind has 10 children with 7 still at home and chooses to wear cotton clothes that need to be ironed? If I were not so picky I would just take them out of the dryer and hang them up and wear them as is. But, I was raised by older parents and a grandma that ironed everything ! I can still see her with a little glass bottle and a stopper on the top that was made with sprinkler holes. She would shake the water on the clothes and iron them so neat. Every pillowcase was hand embroidered and starched stiff but it always felt so nice to sleep on; fresh feeling. Grandma always put nice touches on everything.

Talking about my grandma makes me want to go knit. I was able to finish another hat and am ready to work on some socks now. The picture of the red hat that Miriam is modeling is one of the last ones I made. I love those little take along projects that I can fit into a small bag and take to music lessons, Dr. appointments and so forth. Sure does beat the crazy reading material offered and I just like the fact that these little projects are something that I can finish quickly and get some satisfaction in the journey of motherhood that I have accomplished something :)

Dearest Destini turns 11 tomorrow and I can hardly believe she has blessed my life for 8 years already. I will always remember the day she came with her sad little face, broken heart and untrusting spirit. Oh what a miracle God has done in her life and for that I am truly thankful. I will be taking her out on our special birthday outing and look forward to spending it with her.

I included some pictures of the children having fun in the last snow, pictures of Hannah and Noah practicing violin together and some fun photos of playdough creations ( a minature playdough scene) we made during our fun time. Enjoy!

The rest of the week is looking to be fairly uneventful. Tom wants to have a date night Friday and go shoot some pool (which I love to do) and Saturday is a buckwheat cakes dinner at the fire hall that I need to help with.

Maybe next week I can find spring!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A somewhat quiet day today. We finished school early and the children wanted to play outside. I have to admit it is nice that they can all get themselves mostly dressed for snow play. My days of taking an hour to get each one dressed are about gone. You know for me it was "ok now lets get them in snow pants, jackets, gloves, scarves, hats".... and then just as the last one is dressed the first one would come in and say they lost a hat, mitten, glove, then I would get that taken care of sit down with a cup of tea then... someone is at the door again "mom I have to pee" ok back off with the pants, jacket, scarf, hat, gloves (whoever though it was a good idea to make gloves for little hands should be spanked! You know they want to wear them and it takes FOREVER to get their little hands in the correct holes.) :) you get the drift here. I would often get hysterical with laughter bacause all these moms would tell me how nice it was to get this break when theier children would go outside to play. I really dont' know what that is...something you eat?

I did have some time to tackle my mountain of paperwork for homeschool. The lists for what books I need to buy for next year are close to being finished, new insureance cards are ready to be put into the vehicles and Noah made me lunch. Does it really get any better than this?

At hump day and for some reason I have been tried more spiritually these last two weeks than I have been in quiet some time. Finally received Garretts address so now I can send him some encouragement! I can't even imagine what he is going through right now.

I posted a picture of a jewelry box he made for his girlfriend. Tom helped him some but he had in mind what he wanted and worked to make it happen. Also is a picture of my dear grandpumpkin. I just love being a grammy!

Here's to hoping the rest of the week holds some blessings and lots less stress not just for me but for all who read life in the big house!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Busy life stuff

The past several weeks have been a blur of activity. Garrett was getting ready to leave for the army and I was preparing myself mentally and physically for the change in our family. I already miss the stupid stuff he would do to make me laugh, his puddles left around the house and all that was a part of making our house more full of joy and love. He left last Tuesday and we all felt a part of us go with him.

We have been in full swing homeschooling and the children are all doing very well. Joshua and his many facets are the focus of bible studies and American history from the Revolution on is our focus for history. We learned how to cast lots, we are getting ready to make history lapbooks and have been doing lots of map making with colonies, indian tribes and states joining the union. We took half a day for snow today and might take the whole day tommorrow for snow and baking. I let them loose with the playdough today and they started out making cupcakes and goodies but it soon turned south as they were making cut off fingers, tougunes and eyeballs! Gotta love that sense of creativity. I also posted some pictures of our art projects. I am really liking our art days and look forward to seeing how each child embraces there talent.

Theater class is cancelled for the week so that will give us more time to look over the newest script of Knights of the Round Table. I was asked to audition for the February play of Love Letters but I just dont' know if I can fit it in.

College is going better than expected. I am at full time status this semester with 5 classes and so far it is working out. I could never do it with out my dear spouse pushing me along and the children always helping or spoiling me with tea.

Tom finished Hannah's hope chest and it came out beautiful. That is one gift that he gives our daughters on their 13th birthday that I could never give. He puts his heart and soul into each one of these and each one is different and unique. I included a picture of Hannah's.

We have about 8-10 inches of snow outside so the rest of the week is going to be project and homework time. I traced some blue jean patches for a new quilt and I am itching to start making some more. The oldest two girls have one but I stopped there and have helped make many for gifts but no more for my family so my goal is to start working on some for the rest of the children. I will post pic next time so you can see how they look. I also want to start on some new dress patterns for myself and the girls as we could also use some new dresses in the closet.

The last couple of weeks have been challanging spirtually to say the least but I am determined not to let the enemy win this battle!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Changes in the new year...changes in life

I have lots to reflect on this past year. Lots of mistakes to learn from (lots), lots of joys to relive(the birth of my first grandchild),lots to be thankful for and lots to look forward to.

Some major changes in the Cowie household will be my first son leaving for the army on the 18th of January. The picture is of him and my hubby making a picture frame. Hubby does woodworking as his stress relief and can make some great stuff. The baby of the family (Lydia)turns 8 and I will turn the great age of 45!

Acceptance of what is,seems to be the goal for my new year.

I need to accept that a dear family member chooses to be the way they are and only God can change that and it has nothing to do with me or my abilities. I need to accept that I can not please even most of the people most of the time :) but to just try my best to be the person God has me to be. I need to accept that I will NEVER be caught up on laundry (this is my favorite one) and I need to accept that my personal growth in God will help not only myself but others through His work in me. How is that for a list of acceptances!

A New Year approaching is always very exciting to me. I feel like it is a new slate on which to write on. I have been cleaning out cobwebs on my break between semesters and so far i have tackled my scrapping area (which is in a corner of my bedroom) and my sewing area. It feels so good to finally have both of them sorted through. I included pics of both areas after the clean. I quick vacuum and I will be finished. Next will be the school area and all that it entails then on to the boys room. I purchased a giant cubicle wall unit from a Curves fitness going out of business. it will be perfect to put on there wall and get all those Lego's and playmobil off the floor. Painting in the girls room is included in my list and I hope to have all that put behind me before May.

This past year has been very difficult on me personally, spiritually, financially, and emotionally but God has seen me through it. It can be so hard to press toward the mark but I know what goal lies ahead so I continue to be in the race. May each of you join me at the finish line :)