Monday, March 14, 2011

Accepting change...and embracing it!

Well,I am into March full swing, spring cleaning is underway and the first bike ride of the season has been taken. Spring always brings changes and not just to the season but often to life. Grandson Markus sprouted his first tooth and found his tongue (oh how great it is to be a grammy), Garrett is well over halfway through basic training and Courtney is engaged to be married in the summer and I am half way through this semester in college and in homeschool.

As I sit here sipping some tea (yes, I am actually enjoying some down time as a dear friend told me I needed to take some time for myself) I am reflecting on the past few weeks with much to think about. After seeing the devastation in Japan I am once again reminded that life is short and we really should make the most of it. Disagreements and hurts seem so unimportant and living in the present means so much more. I want to try harder to make the most of everyday and to always find something to be thankful about even when it seems impossible. God gives me 24 hours in a day surely I can find a portion of that day to love, smile and be thankful!

History is the focus for the homeschool days and I am determined to get my timeline started this week since we are on a spring break. There is a list posted on my white board of goals to meet for the week while on break. Most of it is painting but I did completely rearrange the school book area and have posted pictures to show the before and after results. Organizing for a big family is a must and the children are better able to put their items away when there is a nice place to put them!

Hannah had a piano recital yesterday and she nailed it. I was overjoyed for her and am posting the video next time to share. I think there is a violin recital next month for the youngest seven and that is always a pleasant afternoon as it is usually held at a local nursing home. The residents always enjoy seeing the children play and it is so good for the children to interact with the residents too.

I am greatly looking forward to riding season. When I am riding I have time all to myself to reflect, pray, see the world in such a different way and just sense everything with renewed senses. It is probably one of my favorite ways to relax. Last year we were able to take in a few local bike events that we have had some fun at. The picture of me with the cigar is at Johnstown. The ride was beautiful, the sun was perfect and the cigar was NOT mine but I could not resist such a crazy photo op.

I am really looking forward to doing some baking and trying new recipes this week. Last week was comfort food (biscuit picture included)and now that the weather is looking nicer it is time to break into new foods. I find cooking relaxing but baking is my favorite.

Now this post is getting way too long so I shall close it with one of my favorite quotes "Lord God...quiet me if I am not calm, that my soul may be able to contemplate and have an opportunity to grow. Help me that I may be able, even in discouragements to have the true preception of life.

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