Monday, February 8, 2010


Yeah, it really did snow 3 feet and now tomorrow we are getting another 12 or more inches. To me this is putting on snow clothes, taking off snow clothes. Funny though, as the children are getting older it is taking less and less time to help those still left to help. Today I had an unbelievable time of organization. Don't know where that burst of drastic energy came from but I cleaned out the entire attic and rearranged it. Next, I put away all the Christmas decorations from the outside away and then pulled out the Valentine's day stuff. While I was up there I also brought down all the baby stuff that I saved for my grand babies :) There was the heirloom bassinet and a swing and bouncy seat and loads of clothes. Ashley is coming in this weekend to go through everything and decide what she will take back home with her. I also pulled out lots of boxes with keepsake papers in them, and old receipt boxes. Went through all of that and kept out what I wanted to scrapbook with and the rest is ready for the trash. I also got a great start on reorganizing all my photos on the computer and I finished organizing all my printed photos so they are all ready to scrap. Whew, and I wondered why I was feeling tired. Tomorrow I plan on posting some crazy random photos about the quantities of stuff we have here from having a large family. I hope to Post some photos of some layouts this week too so stay tuned, especially Tara as I would really like her opinion on them.