Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Changes in the new year...changes in life

I have lots to reflect on this past year. Lots of mistakes to learn from (lots), lots of joys to relive(the birth of my first grandchild),lots to be thankful for and lots to look forward to.

Some major changes in the Cowie household will be my first son leaving for the army on the 18th of January. The picture is of him and my hubby making a picture frame. Hubby does woodworking as his stress relief and can make some great stuff. The baby of the family (Lydia)turns 8 and I will turn the great age of 45!

Acceptance of what is,seems to be the goal for my new year.

I need to accept that a dear family member chooses to be the way they are and only God can change that and it has nothing to do with me or my abilities. I need to accept that I can not please even most of the people most of the time :) but to just try my best to be the person God has me to be. I need to accept that I will NEVER be caught up on laundry (this is my favorite one) and I need to accept that my personal growth in God will help not only myself but others through His work in me. How is that for a list of acceptances!

A New Year approaching is always very exciting to me. I feel like it is a new slate on which to write on. I have been cleaning out cobwebs on my break between semesters and so far i have tackled my scrapping area (which is in a corner of my bedroom) and my sewing area. It feels so good to finally have both of them sorted through. I included pics of both areas after the clean. I quick vacuum and I will be finished. Next will be the school area and all that it entails then on to the boys room. I purchased a giant cubicle wall unit from a Curves fitness going out of business. it will be perfect to put on there wall and get all those Lego's and playmobil off the floor. Painting in the girls room is included in my list and I hope to have all that put behind me before May.

This past year has been very difficult on me personally, spiritually, financially, and emotionally but God has seen me through it. It can be so hard to press toward the mark but I know what goal lies ahead so I continue to be in the race. May each of you join me at the finish line :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tis the season...

Ok, who turned off the heat outside. Now Don't get me wrong I mean I love winter too but the drastic changes are sometimes too much of a shock to the system.
So, what have I been up to? In November we had birthdays to celebrate, Thanksgiving to be thankful for and violin concerts to play in.

I found several of the children all laying on the floor looking at view master reels and laughed to myself. I count it a great blessing that they are entertained by such simple toys in a techno world.

Now I find myself in the full swing of the CHRISTmas season and not quiet there mood wise yet. I had a tough semester in college but made it through with great grades (Tom says I am too hard on myself) and I am still dealing with some family stress that I know God and time will take care of.

There was a nice highlight to it all as the 7 younger children were all cast and performed in our local community theater production of "The Grinch". They all did a fabulous job and a dear friend posted it on youtube for all to enjoy.

I did meet up with another Weaver mom over coffee. She wanted to borrow a volume I had and it was so nice to catch up on what God is doing in her life, challanges of another homeschooling mom and just celebrating life as moms.

This week will be sending out Christmas cards, making cookies and hitting the Chiropracter for some relief. Oh the gym will be added in also as I attempt to rid myself of 7 extra pounds of "college weight".

I hope in the new year to post more often as I find it not only refreshing but challanging to me personally to share more with dear family and friends.

May God be with each and every one of you this season of celebration!