Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where have I been!

I am aghast at the fact that it is the middle of July and my last post was in March. Life these past few months have taken quiet a crazy turn and I have learned many lessons from all of the downs and few ups thrown my way.
In April Tom and I traveled to Georgia to visit Garrett on family day at Ft. Benning. To say the least it was a tear filled reunion (picture shown with his dad)and we had much to talk about in just a few short days. We had to leave earlier than we wanted to but I had to drive to Charleston as soon as I got home. I no sooner arrived home when the clothes came out of the car and new clothes went in. I was receiving recognition for being chosen as a representative from my college for my academic achievements. The West Virginia state governor presented the awards and I enjoyed a nice luncheon in the rotunda. (picture included).
After all that traveling I needed some grounding so I painted the little girls room. I have been wanting to do this for 2 years now and I was SO happy to have it done. Of course they all took a turn helping (as the photo shows) and the outcome was fabulous.
May too was a busy month with finishing out my college semester and finishing the homeschool year with the children. All the children did fabulous in their prospective grades and I managed to make the Deans list.
Right after our school wrap up we traveled once again to Georgia only this time it was for Garrett's graduation from basic. The two older children were able to go too along with husbands, a finance' and the grandson. We had a great time being with just our three older children telling stories, laughing and just enjoying each other. The graduation ceremony was breathtaking and I was filled with joy to see my son be a part of it. After coming home Ashley, Joe and baby Markus stayed for a few days and our house was a bustle of comings and goings of children. We did manage to collect them all together for a dinner out (courtesy of mom and dad) at our favorite place, Wyld Thyme. A new family picture was added as well and that was a treat to Tom and I.
June included a weekend getaway for Tom and I on the bikes. We did rough camping with a change of clothes, a garden hose shower, a two man tent and lots of laughs, good times and new friends made. I took on the job of doing some modifications to my bike and Tom had to supervise, which was hard for him:) We started this month to do an activity a week for the children and so far we have hit the Drive Ins twice, camping once and a picnic in the park and swimming.
Our activity time with the children continued into July and another park trip and VBS have been the highlights. Not sure if we will make goal this month as we have the wedding of second daughter Courtney at the forefront. She has been a great planner and has had everything just fall into place. I finished the customization to her gown on Sunday and now to finish the few alterations for her flower girls dresses.
The only other exciting thing to add for this month is that I went to active firefighter status this week. Already took my first call on an accident and broke in my gear. Tom is just shaking his head and smiling. Life is too short so you should try to fit in those things that bring you peace, joy and a little adrenaline rush!