Friday, March 26, 2010

misc. pictures to share our slice of life

wanted to throw in some pics to show some of what we have been doing
lately at the Big House. Noah is posing in the new hat I made. It was a new project in my knitting that I was eager to try. Hannah is playing a game and her bearded dragon is resting on her leg watching. Last is Destini full of giggles in my room on the rocker. They brought me a tea party tray and ended up with the giggles.

where does the time go?

It is the middle of March and I had a goal to keep up with my blog much better than this...time to reset the goal!
Life has been absolutely crazy around here. With car buying for me, 1st car purchase for oldest daughter, 17yo son running fire calls and soccer, music lessons for other 7 children, me trying to finish my college work...I feel so overwhelmed and so very blessed all at the same time.
Example of our crazy house: the other night I am trying to get some college work completed and am in my bed on the laptop. 11yo son trapes in with an armful of medication from the medicine cupboard stating that he has a headache, stomach ache and allergies, I smile at the silliness of this and start to dole out what he needs when my 8yo daughter comes in to the other side of the bed stating that she REALLY needs to show me something down "there" (in her crotch area) to which I am saying to myself what can my 8yo possible need to show me "down there" ? Now the 11yo son is rolling his eyes and steps outside the door. The 8yo proceeds to show me her underwear (which were new and of the boy short type) and shows me that there is a seam right down the front and it kinda bothers her, to which I reply well do you have them on backwards, to which she looks at the back of them and state "no, the "sign" is back here. At this point I almost become hysterical, (notice the almost here) then 11yo son chimes in "it's not a sign, it is called a tag!" and as I look out my bedroom door I see the new puppy racing across the house trailing a pair of pink underwear,followed by several children screaming "mom, Oscar is eating underwear!!!" now at this point I DO become hysterical and am crying laughing because it's just another day with the family circus!